Open Your Pelvis for Birth!!

There is NO one movement that opens the entire pelvis--so all of those deep squats and butterfly poses are not going to cut it for birth prep! In our workout program, you will be guided through workouts that prepare you to open each pelvic level: the top, the middle, and the bottom + pelvic floor release workouts!

Go beyond deep squats (forget the kegels), and learn how to create space for your baby!

Required Equipment:

  • 1-2 Weights (Light to Medium)
  • Long Resistance Band + Attachment Point
  • Mini/Glute Band
  • Yoga Block
  • Step Up Surface (Box, Stool, Ice Box)
  • Bench or Couch (Optional)

Choose a Pricing Option

These workouts are included in our prenatal on-demand workout programs!