Our postpartum fitness programs help you navigate your return to fitness after the birth of your baby! Offering general fitness and specialty programs to support your return to sport!
We offer several program options to choose from:
- 16-Week Postpartum Return to Fitness (At Home or Gym Version; Purchase on this page)
- 16-Week C-section Specific Recovery Program (At Home or Gym Version; Purchase on this page)
- 16-Week Postpartum Return to Running (C-Section Add On Available)
- 16-Week Postpartum Return to Weightlifting Program
- Monthly Subscription Fitness Program (completed one of our postpartum programs or greater than 8 months postpartum, free 7-day trial)
We offer our 16-Week Return to Fitness programming in two payment options:
- One Time Purchase ($239)
- Ten Week Add-on ($150)
**Please note that some countries require a tax in addition to our course pricing.
All options include postpartum fitness guidance and educational videos on how to approach your return to fitness in the postpartum period!
After signing up, you will receive an email from Teambuildr with easy access to our postpartum fitness programming from your smart phone! We create fitness accounts manually, so you will not receive access immediately, but should receive it within 24 hours. If you do not, email us at [email protected].
Teachable will contain all our educational videos on how to approach your return to fitness, helping cues for various exercises, and general guidance as you enter the postpartum period!
This program has been designed to help you reestablish your core stabilization, strength, and connection; relearn movement patterns to develop a solid foundation to build strength and power; and gradually introduce higher impact movements and heavier lifts to support a solid return to function and fitness. This program has been developed after years of working exclusively with postpartum athletes. I personally completed this program after two pregnancies to return to fitness! Your patience with this process will be rewarded!
Equipment Required for At Home Programming:
Resistance Bands: Here are a few recommendations; there are no points of attachments required in the at home version of our program.
- Therabands*: cheapest option but least durable
- Looped Resistance Bands*
Mini Bands* to loop around legs for band work.
Step or stool (wooden box or stairs to step up onto)
Weights: these can either be dumbbells and/or kettlebells.. You choose your option of weight.
Equipment Required for At Gym Programming:
Resistance Bands to attach to a squat rack, door frame, or sturdy structure. Here are a few recommendations:
- Crossover Symmetry (our recommend resistance band system) there is a 20% off code in our education course. We recommend the athletic package + blue bands. These bands come with attachment options for a door frame, wall, or squat rack.
- Therabands*: cheapest option but least durable
- Looped Resistance Bands*
Mini Bands* to loop around legs for band work.
Step or stool (wooden box or stairs to step up onto)
Weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, and a barbell w/ plates. You choose your option of weight. The program is written for someone who has all three, but you can modify movements that involve a barbell with dumbbells or kettlebells.
Pull Up Bar
Cable Machine or Band Attachment Site
Stationary Cardio Machine (or walking route)
(*please note this is an amazon affiliate link, and we receive a small commission if you purchase through our link)
What are our clients saying about our postpartum fitness programming?
“My goodness, sweating felt fantastic! My prolapse symptoms are getting better; anxiety is relatively under control, and I physically am doing much much better than with my first baby. Seriously- I wish I could gift every mom your excellent programming!”
“I have yet to finish the program (I am on week 11) but today I dropped into a CrossFit gym and it felt great! I scaled but didn’t have to modify any movement. I am going to finish he program, but I just want to say I am so glad I decided to do a postpartum program. My core and pelvic floor felt great. No leaking at all. I’m happy to be on my way back.”
Sample Week of Training
Our programming consists of four weekly training sessions, split between two lower body focused training days and two upper body focused training days.
Each day begins with a core stabilization warm up routine, specific mobility for the workout, and warm up sequence for either upper or lower body.
Our programming is progressive, and gradually builds towards a stronger core + return to running with a strong and stable foundation!
What are our clients saying about our c-section recovery fitness programming?
"After having an unplanned c-section with my first child, I was completely lost on how to begin training in the gym once my dr cleared me. I stumbled across the MamasteFit Instagram late one night while feeding, entered a drawing for a recovery program and won! Thanks to the 4 week c-section recovery program I was able to properly recover with helpful videos, workouts and help from Gina who answered all of my questions I had along the way! I’m so thankful to her for creating this program and helping mamas like me who had NO clue where to begin on my road to recovery. I feel stronger then ever and am so thankful to have these tools at my disposal."
"I’ve been following Mamastefit’s Postpartum Return to Fitness C-Section program for the last 12 weeks (at my own pace and supplemented with some of my own weightlifting programming) and I am super thrilled with the results I have been seeing with my core strength returning and setting good foundations for building back my strength. I’m an experienced competitive weightlifter and coach who really values focusing on foundations and core strength, and found the variations on movements in the program really creative and effective in helping me reconnect with my midline. I especially loved all of the different weighted and banded variants.
I found my ab separation after birth (even though it was just a finger width) closed up very quickly, almost all coning disappeared with many gymnastic movements, and I also felt my pelvic floor was much more controlled now compared to pre-pregnancy. A lot of people can’t believe I even had a c-section. Movements like jumping, squats and deadlifts came back fairly quickly. Although the program is structured for 4 days a week, I found I could do the program on any day that was most convenient for me since my baby was very demanding of my time."
Hi, I’m Gina!
I'm the head coach at MamasteFit, with my masters in exercise science. I've been exclusively training prenatal and postpartum women for the past several years, and have spent the time refining our fitness programs!
Both our prenatal and postpartum return to fitness and return to running program have been done by me personally! This has allowed me to refine our programming over the course of 3+ years, by both my own experimentation and feedback from my fitness clients.