Learn more about the program

Prepare for birth with your partner! This program includes a 4-week fitness program, 16 training sessions, for the birthing person and birth partner. Each fitness program is designed to meet the demands of your role at birth.

For the birthing person: helps baby move into an optimal position; upright, strengthening movements to help you maintain your stamina during labor; and then a taper to help you feel ready for birth.

For the birth partner, the fitness program focuses on increasing the strength of the chest, triceps, and back to help you better provide continuous labor support.

Then, the program expands to education on laboring positions and comfort techniques plus conversation prompts to help you both plan for the postpartum period.

The education side includes images and video explanations of pushing positions and coaching, counter pressure techniques, labor positions, comfort techniques such as the TENS or guided relaxation.

This program is delivered via an e-book with links to educational videos and exercise demonstrations.

Required Equipment:

  • Dumbbells (set, varying weights for you and your partner)
  • Resistance Bands (2-3 resistances) + Place to Attach those bands
  • Mini Band x 1
  • Box or step up surface
  • Bench or couch

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